# tij2.opt - rbmake options and rules for converting the Thinking in Java # ebook into Rocket eBook format. # # You can find the book at http://www.bruceeckel.com/ . This file only # works with the second-edition text. # # All comments in the options section must occupy a full line. Book-Filename: ThinkingInJava-2.11 # Note: we expect the previous version of this book to be in the parent dir. # This grabs the URL value and updates the VERSION item automatically. Import-Info-From: ../ThinkingInJava-2.11.rb Set-Info: TITLE=Thinking in Java v2.11 Set-Info: AUTHOR=Eckel, Bruce Set-Info: ISBN=0-13-027363-5 #Set-Info: URL=ebook:isbn-0-13-027363-5 Cover-Image: Input-File: SimpleContents.html Input-Files-Default-To-Web-Pages: no Follow-Links: yes (no, # of links deep, yes) Include-Images: yes (no, match, yes) Include-Audio: no (no, match, yes) Accept-URLs-Matching: Auto-Accept-Input-File-Dirs: yes Exclude-URLs-Matching: Menu-Item: Short ToC=SimpleContents.html Menu-Item: Table of Contents=Contents.html Menu-Item: Index=DocIndex.html Use-Book-Paragraphs: no Enhance-Punctuation: no Allow-Old-Style-Page-Breaks: no Page-Joining: none (none, all, # HTML pages per joined page) Text-Conversion: preformatted (none, preformatted, simple-para) Image-Edge-Enhancement: 7 (none, 1 - 9) Prompt-For-Book-Info: no Make-Dictionary-Index: no Unjoin-Rb-Files: no Verbose-Output: no Substitution-Rule-File: - --- Substitution-Rule Data Follows --- # This data lists some wild-card match strings and associated HTML- # rewriting rules. If the page's URL matches one or more of these # sections, its substitution commands get run to rewrite the page. "*/Chapter*.html": { # Get rid of some really funky weirdness. s%"_Toc\d+">%%g; } "*": { # Make some things that wrap look better (\xA0 is a non-breaking space). s/\[ \]/>\xA0]/g; # Fix a non-working hyperlink. s%IA- ("[^>]*)> ()%IA- $1>_$2%g; # This fixes a ReB bug that misformats a heading. s%>(&[gl]t;)<%> $1 <%g; # The ReB doesn't handle nested DIVs right, so remove them. Also # remove a BR before a paragraph break, since the ReB doesn't treat # this right either. s%



%%g; s%
%%g; # Fix some dubious FONT-tag positioning. s%(]+>)(]*>)%$2$1%g; s%()()%$2$1%g; # Finally, avoid the duplicated-image ReB bug by using BR prior to an # image rather than P. s{

]+>(]+)>} {
$1 ALIGN=center>}gi; } # Map some tables into screen-captured images and fix some per-page errors. "*/Chapter02.html": { s{(\s*<[^/][^>]*>)+Primitive type.*?
} {}s; s{(\s*<[^/][^>]*>)+Primitive type.*?
} {}s; } "*/Chapter03.html": { s{(\s*<[^/][^>]*>)+Mnemonic.*?
} {}s; } "*/Chapter06.html": { # This is a formatting error in the original text. s%(lazy\s+initializatio)()

(n.\s*It can reduce overhead in situations where the object doesn’t need to be\s+created every time.)%$1$3$2%s; } "*/Chapter08.html": { s%received(\( \))%receiveD$1%; # This extra page break avoids a ReB bug were text is lost at the # start of the next page following the image. s%(]*>)%$1

%; } "*/Chapter09.html": { s{(\s*<[^/][^>]*>)+Type\s*.*?
} {}s; s{(\s*<[^/][^>]*>)+Type\s*.*?
} {}s; s{(\s*<[^/][^>]*>)+Type\s*.*?
} {}s; } "*/Chapter11.html": { s{(\s*<[^/][^>]*>)+Sources\s+&\s+Sinks:.*?
} {}s; s{(\s*<[^/][^>]*>)+Filters:.*?
} {}s; s{(\s*<[^/][^>]*>)+Java\s+1.0\s+classes\s+without\s+corresponding\s+Java\s+1\.1\s+classes.*?
} {}s; } "*/Chapter12.html": { s{(\s*<[^/][^>]*>)+\.\.\.\s+is\s+equivalent\s+to\s+\.\.\..*?
} {}s; } "*/Chapter13.html": { # This fixes the backticks in the perl script. s/´/`/g; }